Frequent questions
What is the shipping cost?
Shipping is free in Italy.
What are the payment methods?
You can pay with most credit cards, PayPal and cash on delivery.
Where do we ship the order?
We ship to Italy and abroad.
How can I track my order?
The shipment tracking will be sent to you via email when we hand it over to the courier we have decided to work with.
How long will it take you to ship my order?
The preparation of your order takes place within 24 working hours. Courier delivery in 24/72h (Sicily, Sardinia and Calabria in 48/72h).
What can I do if I haven't received the order?
For any complications or problems, you can contact our customer service immediately.
What type of product do you offer?
Exton's collection spans a wide range of styles, including loafers, ankle boots and casual sneakers.